I will not give up unless when the date comes I'll have to cancel it but that is a long time away, so just keep this in mind I will never ever ever give up.
OMG, the server is up if you cannot find it on Display all hosts please try Join Specific Host and enter FlySim Racing League,
It is a league we will be planning other tracks when this one finishes we will be telling you the next lot of racing and qualification etc...
The times are set out like they are because we're going to have 1 after another on the qualification timetables and then the ACTUL RACE will be on the specific date set on the schedule.
Yes once you sign up you come to all 3 qualification sessions listed or you can drop out.
Qualification Times – November 1st 2009 12:00pm – 1:00pm – 1/3 Qualification Sessions 1:00pm – 2:00pm – 2/3 Qualification Sessions 2:00pm – 3:00pm – 3/3 Qualification Sessions The Start of the Race – November 28th 2009 12:00pm – Start of race 16:00pm – End of race The results : All the results will be announced at the 1st December 2009. Last updated timetable!!!
Shut it guys, give me a chance why dont you? Ok, yes I know i'm a 13 year old punk but why dont you look at yourselves dont you think your punks aswell so THINK before you REPLY.
We aim to have around 200 people comming into our server per year and also we aim to have a website by 2012 and our insim will be configured and the final relese in the next 5 days .
We're not a hosting company we're a racing server and about the LCC kinda thing i'm no longer in LCC.
Our server is open 24/7 for anybody a full relese of the server will come soon but for now its under construction meaning its in the early days of the creation period and still the servers are up so come and see us today
We're just a racing server not a team but a server we're aiming to provide top services by the end of this year we will post a few updates here as always and i'm not hosting it but Storm Servers are with a 24/7 insim aswell so more details below
Track = KY1
Layout = No at the momment
Insim = Yes (Airio)
Updates = Yes
Admins = Yes but will be listed at a later date
Other notes: No other notes at this momment in time.